Tuesday, February 24, 2009

All Updates after Lent

Monday, February 23, 2009

CSV Snippet - Matt 25:41-46 Plus Lent 2009

The false Romanish season of Lent begins in earnest on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 and ends Saturday, April 11th, 2009. We will not able to interact with the Romish rhubarbs in this time period. Tomorrow, Tuesday the 24th, will be our last post, until after Easter Sunday. But rest assured that, my anti-Catholic version of Calvinism will be defended to the Last, as also we will defend Dr. White.

Back to the topic at hand. Snippets of CSV translations of the Bible.

Matt 25:41-46
"Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For i commanded thee to be saved by faith alone. 43 But thou wast obsessed, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and other such articles of works salvation. This i commandedeth thee not. For I had given thee 5-points to be saved, which my prophet Calvin hath established." But thou wasteth thine time if thou thinkest thou can be saved without titheing Aomin. "

Note:  Our Colleague,  Mrs. Noe N. Oten, was unable to join us for the meeting this past weekend, so it was cancelled.  The subsequent meeting will take place after lent.
Also, Mr. Sjuan will be updating us tomorrow on a dream he had this past weekend.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Calvinist Standard Version Preview: Matt 16:18-19

Greetings to the elect. Just wanted to let you all in on an email exchange i had with one avid followers, who goes by the username "churchrat." :

Churchrat: Dr. Oakley, I’m pretty excited about the upcoming Calvinist bible translation that you talked about, I look forward to using it against Catholics.

Dr. Oakley: Absolutely we are putting the finishing touches on various verses, I hope you've pre-ordered your copy.

Churchrat: Yes I did, before it arrives though, I was wondering if you could help me with Matt 16:18-19? My sister, who is Catholic, has been hounding me with the text.

Dr. Oakley: Have no fear, away from Rome shall we steer. Here is our current translation:
"18. And I say unto thee, thou art Peter, an insignificant pebble, I will build the Church upon myself, I in essence changed thy name for nothing. The gates of hell shall not prevail against it until the reformation. 19. I will give thee the keys to the kingdom. A bald man in the future shalt spare keys be made hereafter. Whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. But thine bounding power shall perish with thine death. At which time the reformers shall be in no need of thine power."

Churchrat: Thank you sooooooo much!!! I feel secure now in my Calvinistic beliefs.

Dr. Oakley: You’re welcome! Glad i could help you out.

Now keep in mind folks this is a rought draft. We are constatly refining terms to make sure they retroactively fit reformation theology. The full version will come out April 1st. Mark your Calendar.

Update: Beggars all Staff will be having roundtable meetings. Minutes of the meeting will be published monday.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

One More Item Left on Aomin Auction

Just a quick note to thank everyone for their particpation in the Aomin auction. Everything went smoothly as far as sales is concerned.  I've always counted on your gullib..er..em kindness, and your need to have a sense of security, to enrich mysel...i..mean the elect. Be that as it may, i want to let you all know that there was on more item that need to be sold.  My good friend and living saint Dr. James White will be happy if this will be sold promptly. This item is called the Car cycle:

This halfcar-halfcycle is a state of the art vehicle, that has not gone into full production yet.  It has low milleage only 10 miles so far. Its also powered by snake oil, which does not cause as much pollution, and is enviromentally safer that crude oil.  Its tailored made for all kinds of seasons. During the winter months, you can drive from the vehicle 'compartment', while for summer you can drive the 'cycle.' So you can see this whole machine operates just like double predestination.  Right now the minimum amount to bid on this item is $45,000.  If you are interested in purchase or place a bid,  please call 1-800-m-a-m-m-o-n. Operators are standing by, and we only accept Cash.

Note: Email me with Further questions at;

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Upcoming Book By Webster King

Just wanted to Alert the elect, about an upcoming book by Webster King, This is Part 9 of his very revealing series, pictured below:

We'll be doing an in-depth interview with Professor King, in the near future, hope you can join for that interview.

Update: Tomorrow, Dr. Oakley will be giving details of a fundraising event for Aomin Ministries. Check back with us then.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Affirming Sola Scriptura Basil of Caesarea

I've always tried to convince Romish Catholics, that the early church fathers supported Sola Scriptura.  But because these Catholics are beholding to Romulus, they are blind to this very fact. Here is a transcript of a conversation i had with a romanian, about Basil of Caesarea's support of Sola Scriptura:

Dr. Oakley: The early church fathers supported Sola Scriptura. They were clearly in the Reformed camp.
Remus: Thats a ridiculous statement, which ECF's supported Sola Scriptura?

Dr. Oakley: All of them they all have writings supporting Sola Scriptura
Remus: Can you give me one example with a specific quote?

Dr. Oakley: Well Basil of Caesarea said:
"If custom is to be taken in proof of what is right, then it is certainly competent for me to put forward on my side the custom which obtains here. If they reject this we are clearly not bound to follow them. Therefore, let God-inspired Scripture decide between us, and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the Word of God, in favor of that side will be cast the vote of truth."
Ergo; Sola Scriptura
Remus: How does that support Sola Scriptura? The quote is somewhat out of context. The preceding sentence says:
"Their complaint is that their custom does not accept this, and that Scripture does not agree. What is my reply? I do not consider it fair that the custom which obtains among them should be regarded as a law and rule of orthodoxy. "
Because they claimed that scripture does not agree, thats is why he pointed to scripture in this instance. It certainly is disingenous for you to claim that he was making a case for Sola Scriptura.

Dr. Oakley: Well you certain never see Basil of Caesarea putting Tradition on such a high pedestal, so i don't know what else you want from me.
Remus:  Actually you are wrong.  In chapter 10 of his De Spiritu Sancto, He says:
"But the object of attack is faith. The one aim of the whole band of opponents and enemies of sound doctrine is to shake down the foundation of the faith of Christ by levelling apostolic tradition with the ground, and utterly destroying it. So like the debtors,—of course bona fide debtors—they clamour for written proof, and reject as worthless the unwritten tradition of the Fathers."
So you will be in the same boat as the heretics he talked about, because when Catholics refer you to tradition, you claim its not in the bible.

Dr. Oakley: Look, Basil was obviously leading a double life.  All he did was give lip service to scriptures when it mattered. He was initially in the reformed camp before apostasizing, and becoming unregenerate, this conversation is over.

Now i didn't really want to hang up on Remus. But he just had a thick skull, and hasn't done his homework.  Unfortunately for Basil he did not have Williams Websters book at his disposal in the 4th century, so he is fresh out of luck.

Monday, February 16, 2009

James 2:24: Greek Text Exposition. A Clear Case

Before i jump into the nitty gritty, i just wanted to address some of the ad hominem attacks coming  from Rome. "The Catholic Journeyman" questioned my credentials, just because i misspoke about my Doctorate in neuro-surgery coming from ITT-Tech. Its obviously was a freudian slip and i meant to say Devry. Be that as it may...

Now, On to James 2:24. After my expostion it would become quite clear why an intimate knowledge of ancient greek, is important for good biblical exegesis. 

First let us look at the greek text:
(Greek): ὁρᾶτε ὅτι ἐξ ἔργων δικαιοῦται ἄνθρωπος καὶ οὐκ ἐκ πίστεως μόνον.
If you want to know what each individual word means in greek, then go pick up a bible concordance.

Now let us look at various English translations:
(NIV): You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.

(NASB): You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone.

(KJV): Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.

(ESV): You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.

(NKJV): You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.

I purposefully posted the five different translations so that Rome will have no wiggle room.  What then to make of these statements? Well, if this is not a clear cut case of your eyes playing tricks on you, then i don't know what is. Drop me an email if you have any follow up questions.

Name Change Announcement Plus Rome Attacks

The success of this blog how brought out the usual suspects.  Rome has sent out has its minions to do their bidding in our comboxes.  Especially foot soldiers like "The Catholic Journeyman",  "ireneaus"  and zippy.  This not unlike what Rome did to the waldenesians, albigensians, Jansenesian, catharians, and nestorians. There are also others combox participants who creep me out like "Angelo Natalie" and "Churchmouse." i suspect these are "King James Only" roaches.

In anycase, earlier today,  i went to get a name change  at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.  I turns out i didn't need to be there.  I was told i could actually change my blogging name without goverment approval. Who knew? My new official name is James Sjuan.  Has a nice ring to it. 

Watch this space, as Dr. Oakley will be dealing with the Greek text of James 2:24.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Beggars All Makes National News

Following our perspicacious exposition of James 2:24, Beggars All has been getting a whole lot of attention from national news organizations. We are the talk of the town. One such example is prestigious newspaper called The examiner. Here is a link to their article on us: Link . We just want to say thanks to all of our visitors, supporters and fans, for making Beggars All and important institute.

Dr. Oakley Joins Beggars All

Beggars All, is proud to announce a great addition to our blogging team. Dr. Oakley has been recognized as one of the top theologians in the world today, with a lot of expertise in various fields. We sat down for an interview with Dr. Oakley, and asked questions that we think might be on your mind, as we introduced him to the masses.

Beggars All: Dr. Oakley, thanks for joining us for an introductory interview today, and congratulations on your being hired by Beggars All.

Dr. Oakley: Be that as it may...um..yeah, thank you inviting me, its a great honor to be able to blog for such a prestigious organization. I've always been a fan of Beggars All, since its inception in the 1980's. Your organization has been doing the yeoman's work, as far as apologetics is concerned and i hope to be able to contribute with my own expertise, and my unique view of things.

Beggars All: Tell us a little bit about your qualifications in term of expertise and credentials.

Dr. Oakley: Basically i have a Bachelors degree in Bible, from Niagara Falls College, Masters degree in theology at Fulsom Theological seminary, and a Ph.D. in Neuro-Surgery from ITT Tech. I'm also an expert in the Greek language.

Beggars All: Awesome! if you don't mind me asking, where did you learn greek?

Dr. Oakley: My learning of greek has been a very complicated case. Essentially I use Rosetta Stone software.

Beggars All: Ok, who are you big theological heros?

Dr. Oakley: Like you Dr. James White of Aomin Ministries, is on the top of my list, obviously the great theologians of the reformation; John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, Luther Vandross.

Beggars All: For the sake of diclosure, what topics are you going to be blogging about on Beggars All, and are they related to any projects in particular?

Dr. Oakley: Yes absolutely, i'll be blogging about various bible verses, especially those used by Catholic apologists as proof text for their defense of Rome. As far as projects, it relates to a current Calvinist Standard Version or CSV bible that i've been working on.

Beggars All: Dr. Oakley, again thanks for joining us for this interview, i'm quite confident you are great addition to this team, and your contributions will be edifying for the elect. Welcome.

Dr. Oakley: Thanks again, i was predestined for this Job.

Note: You can reach Doctor Oakley, by clicking on his profile and asking him any question regarding greek and particular bible verses via email.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Exegeting James 2:24 The Calvinist Way

Romish apoligists usually try to use to use James 2:24 to brow beat Calvinists and other protestants when it comes to important doctrine of Sola Fide.  But Romanish interpretations need not scare you. When i say "you" ,  i mean Calvinists, Lutherans,  Musli...er..em..i mean non-Catholics.  Let us carefully look at the passage in James 2:24 (ESV):

"You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone."

Romanian apologist apparently want us to think that the words "not by faith alone" somehow,  means "not by faith alone." But this is pure eisigesis.  Romanificators teach a false gospel of works salvation.  Let us now exegete the passage the way Luther did, and how his modern equivalent Dr. James White has also.

Luther rightly took the whole of....well i've just got bitten by a snake, will have to exegete at a later time.

Update: Luckily it was a toy snake, Pheeww! For a moment there i thought i would have to forsake blogging,  but i'm not in an exegetical mood right now, will move on to bigger and better things.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

James White Thaumaturgus

As most of you know, there was a debate between Dr. James White and Dr. Bart D. Ehrman in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 4 weeks ago.  You missed a lot, if you weren't in the room to witness this debate about textual variance.  Most important is the fact that Dr. White was able increase his debate winning streak to 221-0.  This is unheard of in the annals of debating history.  Although some jealous men -like unregenerate apostate Joel McDurmon- have been claiming otherwise. In addition to curing a man suffering from terminal dengue fever and frequent bouts bubonic plague, the record will show that no incidents of West Nile virus where reported during Dr. White's stay in Florida. But his most astonishing work of wonder happened during the subsequent Cruise.  Our ship was in imminent danger from a 90 feet tsunami, but Dr. White was a able to give Moses a run for his money as he immediately split the sea, creating a safe passageway for the ship.  I have presently sent a letter to the Vatican requesting Dr. White be recognized for his miracles, and be beatified alive, like Gregory befor him, Dr. White deserves the title; Thaumaturgus. But Rome teaches a false gospel, so don't hold your breath.

update: My next post will be on the machinations of Mark Shea

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Calivinism and Me, New Blog!

Basically, the Title of this blog says it all. I'm firmly in the reformed camp. I'm not quite sure what we are reforming as of yet, but i'm solidly in this camp. I'm a big fan of Luther even though i'm a 5 point calvinist. I resent Catholics, and their attempt to quote Luther without using the all important Ad Fontes method. My biggest theological hero aside from Luther and Calvin would be James White of Aomin Ministries international.  Dr. James White is basically a man of great learning and intellect, I don't think he has ever lost a debate in his life. Basically he is the bomb. As a matter of fact my next blog post would be about a recent wonder worked by Dr. White. I hope you guys will visit my blog in the future, as i take on Catholic apologists.

Update; Don't forget to subscribe to blog posts by clicking the button on the Top Right. Take that Rome!