Back to the topic at hand. Snippets of CSV translations of the Bible.
Matt 25:41-46
"Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For i commanded thee to be saved by faith alone. 43 But thou wast obsessed, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and other such articles of works salvation. This i commandedeth thee not. For I had given thee 5-points to be saved, which my prophet Calvin hath established." But thou wasteth thine time if thou thinkest thou can be saved without titheing Aomin. "
Note: Our Colleague, Mrs. Noe N. Oten, was unable to join us for the meeting this past weekend, so it was cancelled. The subsequent meeting will take place after lent.
Also, Mr. Sjuan will be updating us tomorrow on a dream he had this past weekend.
Why oh why would a Prot practice blogging abstinance during Lent?
Your truth I cannot find.
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